Current Version: v1.0.2 | Requires Android : 2.3 and up | Genres : Role Playing Games |
Games Description
Ultimate hurricane: Chronicles - create your own team of ninjas. Train them, level up, and learn new battle skills. Fight many enemies. In this game for Android you'll be able to meet heroes of the popular anime Naruto. Manage a squad of heroes and go on an adventure in this fantasy world. Perform a variety of tasks and get experience that you need to develop the characters. Learn the secret techniques of Ninjutsu, that will make your heroes invincible. Fight enemy ninja clans and other opponents.Ultimate Hurricane Chronicles Games Features:
- Colorful graphics
- Many characters
- Good controls
- Absorbing gameplay
Download Ultimate Hurricane Chronicles apk v1.0.2
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chuchen.android.UltimateHurricaneChronicles&hl=en |
Android 2.3 and higher. v1.0.2. ARMv5. ARMvCortex-A8. ARMv7A [apk]- Password: 3Kf*1Rz'
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