
OneL+ Green - CM11 Theme v1.5 Apk

OneL+ Green - CM11 Theme

What's New in OneL+ Green - CM11 Theme v1.5 Apk:
- Modified dialer, apollo and whatsapp
- Changed download animation
- Resized clear button in recents panel
- Changed some icons
*** Please reboot after update! ***

OneL+ includes some animations, like the setting transition, list selection, popup and menu.

If you prefer faster animations , put 0.7 or a lower value under "Window animation scale", "Transition animation scale" and "Animator duration scale" in developer options.

Only for CyanogenMod Theme Engine. To apply go to Settings / Themes / Themes packs

Optimized for xhdpi-xxhdpi devices

Please reboot after applying and after every update

- framework
- systemUi
- dialer
- contacts
- mms
- calculator
- calendar
- email
- clock
- keyboard
- keyguard
- settings
- youtube
- whatsapp
- documntesUi
- gallery
- apollo
- dsp manager
...and more

Download OneL+ Green - CM11 Theme Apk v1.5

OneL+ Green - CM11 Theme v1.5 Apk Download
This App Release for android 4.4 and up .
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.giuros77.onel.green

Download From External Link (Pass: s77onel)

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OneL+ Green - CM11 Theme v1.5 Apk