What's New in Obb on SD v0.3.2 Apk:
- Allow Google Translate
ROOT & Xposed framework required!
Module Obb on SD attempts to make it seamless - just enable module, reboot and move obb's to SD card (to same folder: Android/obb) - that's that. No need to enter any path or whitelist/blacklist any app. Do you want to only move Obb from Grand Theft Auto? Then only move that obb. Obb on SD will detect "obb on SD" and enable hooks only for this single game.
Support: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/mod-obb-sd-v0-1-t2884004
Download Obb on SD Apk v0.3.2
This App Release for android 4.0.3 - 4.4.
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smartmadsoft.xposed.obbonsd
Download From External Link (Pass: posbbo) |
Other App you can Try: HERE v1.1 Build 407 Apk
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